This is our disclaimer page. You can find here more important information about us. What are we doing? How do we do it? How we demonstrate the price of any Official and Unofficial mobile phones. First of all, you need to be patient, because this page is going to be big and long. So let’s start reading.
How do we update the price?
We collect the prices from the official website for official phones. For getting the unofficial price, we contact our top unofficial phone shops all over Malaysia. In that case, sometimes it would be the wrong information, for that we should forgive us. Because making mistakes is human nature. If you find any mistake, we would be glad if you could tell us about it by submitting a form that we’ve provided on the Contact Us page.
Mobiledokan.my usually shows the official price in Malaysia when a product is available officially.
Moreover, the prices and statuses of different devices change. We try to update the information as soon as we receive it. But we do not guarantee that all the devices on our site are available at the same price at this moment and that their status is correct.
We also do not guarantee that the specifications are 100% accurate. Most of the specs are collected from the official sites of each brand and some other trusted sources. However, there is always the possibility of making mistakes by both parties during manual data entry or for other reasons.
Sometimes, we collect the specifications of the phone from other top-rated smartphone information-based websites. We describe the full specifications of any mobiles. We want to ensure customer satisfaction, which is why we built our website to be user-friendly so that users can easily find everything in a second.
How to buy the phones from us?
We have listed some shop names on our Official Showrooms and Unofficial Showrooms pages to help our visitors learn about popular local retail shops and online shops. However, we do not guarantee that the pricing on our site will match the pricing in those shops or that you can find all the latest phones available on our site at those shops.
Also, each shop is responsible for its own products, warranty, delivery, etc. We do not have a partnership with any shop or brand, as the purpose of Mobiledokan.my is to remain a neutral, independent mobile phone information-based website. Thanks for visiting the disclaimer page.